Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hoover Dam...

So at the tail end of the Vegas trip, we ran out to see the Hoover's only 45 minutes from the city and definitely worth the visit.

Click for more!

As usual, I appreciate you taking a look...let me know what you think!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The city that never sleeps...

So I took a couple of days to head down to Vegas for the Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds show (which was amazing, by the way) with one of my best friends Nick and make some pics of the city at's been too long since I've done any serious night shooting, so it was nice to get my feet wet again. We got into the city too late for the ideal light (from sunset until an hour or so after), but I got some decent stuff. 

More after the jump, as always!

On the left side of that image you can see The Cosmopolitan, which grand opens tomorrow...I couldn't get any good shots of the building, they were still hard at work with the construction. Next time...

A (rare?) shot of the Bellagio without the fountain going off...

And finally, I'll leave you with a little holiday 'Where's Waldo?'

We took a little time before our flight out to head out to the Hoover Dam, which I'll post up in a few days...thanks for looking!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Holiday Portraits...

I was down in Mendocino for a family wedding and took the opportunity to squeeze in some Christmas portraits for a couple of clients down that way. 

As always, more after the jump:

There is still time if you'd like to schedule a shoot before the holiday gets here! Email me:

Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Fort Bragg Sunset...

Took a quick trip to Fort Bragg for are a few of the pics:

More after the jump, as usual!

The top one is Point Cabrillo Lighthouse, about 5 miles south of Fort Bragg. Thanks for looking!


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kitten on white...

Spent some time in the studio with Mo, an energetic (if unwilling) model...

More after the jump, 9 in total:

Thanks for looking!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Traffic Spike!

Hello there! I've been seeing an increase in traffic here on the blog, I think due to the Hawai'i pictures I posted recently. Just in case you haven't seen it and are curious, my website has all different work than is found here on the blog.

If you'd like to contact me, please feel free to email me and thanks for coming by!


The first snow of winter, 2010...

Took a nice drive up Hwy 32 and into Lassen over the weekend. There was just a touch of snow on the ground in places and it was absolutely beautiful. I spent more time playing around with some portraits than shooting landscapes, but here are the two I managed...I like the first one quite a bit, on the fence for the second one...feel like I definitely missed the moment. Click the link below for the 2nd one =) Enjoy!

Thanks for looking, as always! 


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

16th Ave steps, San Francisco...

Went to San Francisco for the day on Monday, thought I'd post a couple of shots from just after sunset at the 16th ave steps. Nothing too spectacular here, but it makes me want to spend an extended period of timing shooting at night like I did in Seattle during April, 2008. Click the link below the picture for the other shot and as always, thanks for looking =)

More Hawai'i to come in a couple of days!
