Wednesday, October 6, 2010

16th Ave steps, San Francisco...

Went to San Francisco for the day on Monday, thought I'd post a couple of shots from just after sunset at the 16th ave steps. Nothing too spectacular here, but it makes me want to spend an extended period of timing shooting at night like I did in Seattle during April, 2008. Click the link below the picture for the other shot and as always, thanks for looking =)

More Hawai'i to come in a couple of days!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Eagle Rays...

 I had the pleasure of running into a group of Eagle Rays on two separate occasions. They were slow-moving and graceful and elegant, but MAN could they move if they felt uncomfortable.

Six images total after the jump, just click the link below...

The ray below had recently been hooked by a fisherman and still had a hook embedded (with bait attached) in its mouth and a length of line trailing behind.  Couldn't have been hooked more than 48 hours before we ran into it. I was surprised to find that it didn't feel threatened by us. Obviously it wouldn't associate being hooked with running into us, but I figured it would still be skittish and on spent quite a bit of time swimming right next to my mom.

You can add these awesome creatures to my list of favorite things in Hawai'i.

