Friday, January 1, 2010

Ringing in the new year...

First thing, welcome to the shiny new blog! New year, new toys! I'm not entirely sure what direction this thing is going in but I figured that today's activities would be a fitting place to start it off. I imagine it will end up about 80% photography, 10% gear review and 10% insane ramblings just for good measure.

Comments, feedback, suggestions, etc are encouraged and I hope you’ll enjoy my new little corner of the internet.

Since it is the new year and I'm feeling motivated, I'll end this with a quote I received this morning from a new friend:
"A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes." ~Gandhi
I assume it would not be presumptuous to include women in that as what do all you men and women out there want to become this year?

Happy new year, everyone!


  1. That's one of my favorite quotes! Kind of along the lines of people will live up to other people's expectations of them...only this way it's just what you expect for yourself! I also love the picture at the top of your blog...the color in the clearing toward the bottom is amazing.

  2. Lyle, have you ever been to Waimea Canyon on Kauai? It's incredible. Not exactly something that can be captured by my simple little camera.

  3. Angelina, did you see all the pictures? If you click the "SEE MORE!" link it takes you to all of them...glad you liked it =)

    Monica, no I haven't...I'll see it in a few years, I'd guess.

  4. Great blog Lyle. Your pictures are amazing. :) (And no, I'm not just saying that so I can be included in the contest. Ha!)
