Monday, March 8, 2010

Oregon, Part 3...finally!

I'm keeping it short and sweet this time, I'm are the last of the photos from the Oregon trip...a couple lighthouses, Battery Point in Crescent City, CA and a random spot along Highway 101 near the Klamath River.

Click the link below for the rest of the pictures, as usual!





  1. amazing, as usual =)
    3rd one's my favorite.

  2. I like number TWO!!! my fave! just sayin... I LOVE CLOUDS!!! =)

  3. lol. yeah, #2 was my favorite til i saw #3. i love the color, i love the texture, i love the way i can almost feel the air and hear the water. just love it.
    but the clouds in #2 are really kick ass =)
