On our last morning of snorkeling we decided to revisit our favorite spot, Honolua Bay. We got their early to beat the crowds and arrived to find it gray and raining. Low visibility and a little bit chilly. A couple women were already leaving as we walked in, saying there was nothing going on. Fortunately they were really wrong...
More after the jump, click the link below! There's another video...
We noticed a huge pod of Spinner Dolphins out in the middle of the bay near open water, so I skipped the reef entirely and swam hard for 1/2 mile or so against the current out to the pod. As I swam out visibility improved, especially out in the deeper water. It stopped raining and the sun began to make an occasional appearance. Before I'd even caught my breath they were all around me, coming within 6 feet along side of me, swimming underneath me...they were everywhere. I've never experienced anything like this...one of the best moments of my life so far. I hope it's not the last time I get to enjoy being up close and personal with them.
Spinner Dolphins are fascinating to watch as they play and interact with one another. We could hear them echolocating, sending chirps and clicks through the water that I could hear from at least 60' away. Below you can see the larger Spinner whistling by blowing through its blowhole. The sound they each make doing this is unique to the individual and is used to identify one another.
They get their name from their acrobatic displays, leaping WAY out of the water, spinning and flipping. I saw it happen within 40' or so, it was jaw dropping. Hawai'i was really laying it on thick at that point, with a huge, full rainbow directly behind the dolphins jumping around. Just unbelievable. I was fortunate enough to share this with my best friend, who you can see briefly in the video below...all we could do was gawk and laugh and enjoy the moment.
Thanks, Hawai'i. I can't express enough gratitude for that morning...you opened my eyes.
More to come in a couple of days, lots of underwater stuff left to share =)
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