Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Foiled again...

It was a waiting game to get this image. I got in position on Enterprise Bridge (no Star Trek jokes, please), got my camera set up roughly where I thought it would need to be and waited for the sun to set behind the trees…foooor 45 minutes. It was one of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen and a really, really nice wait. I shot this a few ways but decided to show this square composite because I loved all the detail in the foreground with the creek running along in the canyon and the trails from the jets in the upper part of the sky.  With a traditional, one frame, rectangular image I lost one or the other. Thankfully, I recognized this as I was shooting and was able to quickly set up and shoot this one.

 Click the link below to see the rest of the pics from today...

So my intention today was to visit a place called “Seven Falls”, just outside of Oroville. I had a GREAT time on the ride out along the windiest, hilliest road ever…I may or may not have gotten air four times…just sayin, I dunno…

I got within a mile and a half of my destination but had to turn back due to snow on the roads. To be honest, I got stuck. Twice. I did manage to make some nice images today, just wish I could have gotten up to the falls.

Oroville is REALLY low. I passed it on the way in and noticed the cool striations in the bank created by the dropping water levels, but was running late to get to the falls and the light wasn’t really ideal. With the falls a bust,  I knew exactly where I was going to be standing as the sun set.

For some reason, I decided to mix it up a little in post today. Got a couple black and whites for you as well as the square, 14 image composite that breaks at least one cardinal rule. I’d love your feedback on that one in particular…


Well, hope you enjoy these. I do have one more image that is really, really cool to share but I need to spend some time with it in post...it was a really tough shooting situation, shooting directly into the sun with snow on the ground. In other words, I botched the shot and it's going to take a lot of work...


  1. Wow. Ok, just clicked "See More". Totally amazing!!

  2. regarding the 1st image, some rules are made to be broken. it's perfect. i love the square format.
    i love the light and the texture in image 2.
    the 3rd image is just fascinating. the reflection of the trees is almost more detailed than the actual trees, and the rocks under the water are just as clear. incidently, it looks awesome upside down too. (yes, i picked up my computer and turned it upside down...)
    the 4th one might be my favorite of them. (it's a toss up between this one and the square one...) the detail, the contrast, the clouds.... it just has a great feeling to it. =)

  3. I really like this one a lot. Lyle, you are a great photographer!! I want a print!!
